Quotebook: a Commonplace Book for Your iPhone or iPad
My friends at Lickability — Matt Bischoff, Brian Capps and Andrew Harrison — have launched Quotebook on the App Store today.
Quotebook is a clean take on a very old tradition. Long before the typewriter, but sometime after the printing press, avid readers would collect their favorite quotes in a single place. This collection was typically gathered into a hand-written journal called a “commonplace book,” but “Quotebook” is objectively a better name.
I like apps with attention to detail, and Quotebook has it, right down to making sure every button and label is set in a custom font and color — even the action sheets. Get it today.
My New Job
I’m happy to say that, starting Monday, I will be joining Bloglovin as Lead iOS Engineer. They’re a smart and fun group of men and women. It will be an honor to be a part of them. I can’t speak publicly about what we’ll be doing together, but I’m excited about it.
Obviously this is a full-time staff position, so I will have to make changes to my priorities for the existing apps I have on the App Store. All of them will remain for sale indefinitely and receive regular bug fixes and compatibility releases.
Due to potential conflicts of interest between Unread and Bloglovin, I won’t be adding new features to either the iPhone or iPad version of Unread. This is by choice on my part. I like to pour myself into my work. I wouldn’t feel right doing it any other way.
I can still ship new unrelated projects on the side. My Time Zones app, for example, has been submitted for App Review and will hopefully be coming out soon.
Thanks again to everybody who encouraged me with their time and advice over the past year. I’m looking forward to what’s next.
What's the Most Common App Icon Color?
Except for the apps on my first home screen, all the other apps on my phone are sorted into folders by color. Some colors require more than one folder because I don’t put more than nine apps in any folder. Until recently blue has been the most common color on my phone. But over the last year the number of white app icons on my phone has steadily increased. It now takes four folders to hold all the white apps, taking the lead from blue for the first time since I organized apps in this way.
I was curious to know if my anecdotal experience could be backed up by some data. Using the same criteria that I use to sort apps on my phone, I examined the top 100 apps from all the relevant App Store categories, sorting them into groups by their predominant background color:
White - Facebook Messenger, Pinterest, Netflix
Blue - LinkedIn, Twitter, Skype
Red - Food Network, Push for Pizza, Open Table
Orange - Overcast, Swarm by Foursquare
Yellow - Find my Friends, Snapchat
Green - WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat
Purple - OmniFocus, Viber
There is an eighth category I called “Other” for app icons that can’t be sorted into one of the above categories. These icons either had intense gradients (like Fling or Haze), very dark or neutral backgrounds (like Reeder), or had lots of clashing details or colors (like most game icons). I skipped a handful of App Store categories, like Games, since almost every icon in those categories would not be categorizable.
General Comments
The overall distribution of app icon colors, averaged across all the categories I sampled, was unsurprising except for the difference between paid and free apps:
Overall-Paid (Left) versus Overall-Free (Right)
A significant proportion of paid apps fell into the “Other” category. Most of these apps were multi-colored and excessively detailed to the point that they were aesthetically unpleasant, to my eyes. Free apps were far more likely to have a more homogenous application of a predominant background color. White and blue were very common colors across both paid and free apps, dwarfing all other solid colors.
It seems clear that, at least on the US App Store, white is objectively a very common app icon color. In some categories (Finance-Paid, Food&Drink-Paid, Lifestyle-Free) white is even the most common solid color background.
Food & Drink
Health & Fitness
Photo & Video
Social Networking
For Subclass Eyes Only: Swift, UIGestureRecognizer, and the Protected Extension Pattern
One of my favorite features that Jamin Guy and I shipped in Riposte, an App.net client we made for iPhone, was our Screen Brightness Gesture. Part of the Riposte Pro set of upgrade-only features, the Brightness Gesture enabled you to quickly fade your screen’s brightness up or down by dragging with three fingers anywhere on the screen. It worked just like a dimmer switch for a dining room chandelier.
You have to understand how awesome this was during the iOS 6 days, before the Control Center pane from iOS 7. As far as I know, we are still the only app to ever provide this feature. It was convenient and fun.
An Unfixable Bug
One drawback with the Brightness Gesture was that if you performed the drag gesture over a table view, the content underneath your finger tips would jiggle a bit before our brightness gesture recognizer took over control of touch event handling. At the beginning of the gesture, the table view would scroll about 25 to 50 points before we could disable scrolling. We mitigated this as much as we could, but the first shipping version of it had a dissatisfying amount of jiggle.
Michael "Jury" Jurewitz challenged us to find a way around this behavior. I spent the better part of a week trying everything I could think of: using a UIView subclass to contain the entire view hierarchy, scroll view delegate methods, etc. The irreducible problem was caused by the way touch events get routed through competing gesture recognizers. There was no way to prevent a touch event from being initially handled by UITableView’s pan gesture recognizer. I could cancel scrolling once it was underway, but I couldn’t prevent it from starting in the first place.
But I didn’t want to give up. There was one thing I hadn’t tried yet: method swizzling.
Swizzling Saves the Day
Finally I tried swizzling various methods on UIScrollView
and UIPanGestureRecognizer
. I found that swizzling two methods on UIPanGestureRecognizer
provided the best solution with the least amount of intrusion into the touch event sequence. I swizzled:
- (CGPoint)translationInView:(UIView *)view;
- (CGPoint)velocityInView:(UIView *)view;
These methods determine the vector of a pan gesture at any given point in time. In my swizzled implementation, I returned the original implementation’s values in every case except where (in pseudocode):
(self.numberOfTouches > 2) && (self.view.class == UIScrollView)
When these conditions were met, I returned CGPointZero
. This worked flawlessly. Table views remained motionless while dragging up and down with three fingers. It continued to work flawlessly after lots of testing, even after iOS 7 shipped. The jiggle was corrected, and the brightness gesture felt better than ever.
Dirty, Dirty Swizzling
I know, I know. Swizzling is dirty and wrong. No seasoned and serious developer would ever use method swizzling or private APIs1 in a production application, right? Maybe. In most cases, a satisfying user experience trumps all other concerns. But I wanted to have someone a lot wiser than me take a look at my solution and offer advice.
At WWDC in 2013, I had that opportunity. I was fortunate enough to meet one of the engineers who had actually worked on UIGestureRecognizer. I demoed the Brightness Gesture for this person and the jiggle problem it caused. In less than a minute, they rattled off a series of suggestions, listing everything that I had spent a week trying to figure out. Before I could respond to each suggestion with, “No, I’ve already tried that,” this engineer immediately came to the same conclusions. Finally they said to me:
I’ve got it! All you need to do is override this one method…
The method name was not one I recognized. The engineer sighed.
Oh yeah. You’re right. It was one of the last methods I wrote before moving on to other stuff and I forgot to publish it.
The engineer hinted that the UIKit team would look into publishing that method in the future. It and another related method eventually found its way into the UIGestureRecognizerSubclass.h
header in iOS 7:
@interface UIGestureRecognizer (UIGestureRecognizerProtected) // same behavior as the equivalent delegate methods, but can be used by subclasses to define class-wide failure requirements - (BOOL)shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0); - (BOOL)shouldBeRequiredToFailByGestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)otherGestureRecognizer NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);
By simply overriding shouldRequireFailureOfGestureRecognizer:
in our custom pan gesture recognizer subclass, we could guarantee that a three-finger pan would always cause any other pan recognizer to fail — and without swizzling any methods.
The “Protected Extension” Design Pattern
An interesting thing to note about the UIGestureRecognizerSubclass.h
header is that it defines what could be called a protected extension for UIGestureRecognizer subclasses. The following comment can be found at the top of the header file:
// The extensions in this header are to be used only by subclasses of UIGestureRecognizer. // Code that uses UIGestureRecognizers must never call these.
According to this design pattern, the parent class (in this case UIGestureRecognizer2) has a private implementation of some complex logic that depends upon a handful of extension methods overridden by its subclasses. Other classes that are simply using a gesture recognizer should never call these methods since that could trigger unwanted effects. But the methods still need to be exposed in a semi-public fashion to allow subclasses to provide their override implementations.
This design pattern has lots of potential uses. One example (similar in spirit, although it doesn’t use a protected extension per se) is NSURLProtocol
, which can only be used via a concrete subclass of the semi-abstract parent class. My RSS app Unread uses a subclass called UNRImageURLProtocol
to route all image download requests through my own image caching system. A subclass of NSURLProtocol
has to override several essential methods in order to be used. Mattt Thompson at NSHipster wrote a very informative article on this topic.
One Client, Many RSS Services
One of the architectural challenges I faced early on when developing Unread was the fact that there are so many different RSS services to integrate with. While broadly similar in user-facing features, there are numerous, non-trivial API differences that affect common tasks like refreshing all your feeds or marking an article as read. When a user pulls to refresh, a view controller needs to know how trigger a refresh call but it shouldn’t need to know what kind of RSS service is being used behind the scenes.
My final design followed the protected extension pattern. Every signed-in account owns an instance of a class called UNRClient
. This class exposes some simple public methods like:
- (void)refresh:(UNRClientCompletionBlock)completion; - (void)markArticleAsRead:(UNRArticle *)article; - (void)markArticleAsUnread:(UNRArticle *)article;
UNRClient is mostly a concrete class. It handles things like keeping track of refresh state, access to API credentials, and — most importantly — queued and active API tasks. But every RSS service has a different set of steps to follow when refreshing. So in practice, UNRClient is only used when subclassed. A FeedWrangler account has UNRFeedWranglerClient
, a NewsBlur account has UNRNewsBlurClient
, and so forth.
UNRClient has a protected extension in a separate header file with required semi-private methods like:
- (UNRClientTaskGroup *)taskGroupForRefreshingAllFeeds:(void(^)(UNRClientTaskGroupCompletionItem *item))completion; - (UNROutboundArticleStatusChangeItem *)changeItemForMarkingArticleAsRead:(NSString *)articleID;
I won’t go into the nitty-gritty details of UNRClientTaskGroup
or UNROutboundArticleStatusChangeItem
, but suffice it to say that these objects encapsulate units of work in an abstracted form. UNRClient knows how to enqueue these units of work, but it doesn’t ever need to know what happens inside them. Internally, the parent class has logic like this (simplified):
- (void)refresh:(UNRClientCompletionBlock) completion { UNRClientTaskGroup *group; group = [self taskGroupForRefreshingAllFeeds: completion]; [self enqueueTaskGroup:group]; }
The magic happens in that call to taskGroupForRefreshingAllFeeds:
. The super implementation does nothing. Subclasses override that method to return a task group (itself a concrete subclass of a semi-abstract parent class) configured to refresh all the feeds for its RSS service of choice.
To save myself from future mistakes, the super implementation looks like this:
- (UNRClientTaskGroup *)taskGroupForRefreshingAllFeeds:(UNRClientCompletionBlock)completion { NSAssert(NO, @"UNRClient subclasses must override taskGroupForRefreshingAllFeeds: without calling super. "); return nil; }
This way, if another developer comes behind me and adds a new RSS service, she’ll quickly encounter an exception whenever a required protected method hasn’t been implemented by the new UNRClient subclass.
The beauty of this overall design is that the parent class is the only place where the complex, reusable logic is implemented. Any given subclass’s .m
file is very short — just a handful of overrides of the protected extension methods.
Swift and Access Control Keywords
Swift is language in flux. It changes every few weeks. Apple recently added three access control keywords:
These keywords are used to limit the visibility of any class, function, method, or property. Here’s how they work (as of August 6th, 2014):
Public access enables entities to be used within any source file from their defining module, and also in a source file from another module that imports the defining module. You typically use public access when specifying the public interface to a framework.
Internal access enables entities to be used within any source file from their defining module, but not in any source file outside of that module. You typically use internal access when defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.
Private access restricts the use of an entity to its own defining source file. Use private access to hide the implementation details of a specific piece of functionality.
So, for example, a Swift class might mix public and private methods as follows:
public class Vehicle { public func accelerate() { self.pushGasPedal() } private func pushGasPedal() { // do stuff } }
Any class or module could instantiate a Vehicle and call:
var aVehicle = Vehicle() aVehicle.accelerate()
But the following code would not compile if used outside of the Vehicle source file:
var aVehicle = Vehicle() aVehicle.pushGasPedal()
Swift and the Protected Extension Pattern
Swift is still in beta, but there is no clean way — yet — to use the protected extension pattern in pure Swift code — not even with the new access control keywords. To illustrate why this is the case, let’s extend the Vehicle example above.
First, let’s define an enum for transmission types:
enum Transmission { case Automatic case Manual }
Next, let’s implement the acceleration logic in the parent class:
public class Vehicle { private func transmissionType() -> Transmission { assert(false, "Subclasses must override.") return Transmission.Automatic } private func pushGasPedal() { // push the pedal } private func shiftUpOneGear() { // shift the gear up } public func accelerate() { var type = self.transmissionType() switch type { case .Automatic: self.pushGasPedal() case .Manual: self.pushGasPedal() self.shiftUpOneGear() } } }
Finally, let’s implement two subclasses of Vehicle, overriding the one required method for subclasses:
public class FamilyCar: Vehicle { override private func transmissionType() -> Transmission { return .Automatic } } public class SportsCar: Vehicle { override private func transmissionType() -> Transmission { return .Manual } }
This approximates the protected extension pattern as close as Swift will allow. Here are the reasons why the alternatives won’t work:
Can’t Use Internal – You can’t use the
keyword for the requiredtransmissionType()
method because then it would be visible to every other class in that framework or application.Can’t Use Separate Source Files for Subclasses – You also can’t define a new
subclass that overrides aprivate
method unless you append the subclass to the bottom of the parent class’s source file. This goes against the best practice of creating a separate file for each subclass.Can’t Override an Extension Method – Swift has an official
mechanism for adding methods to classes, but the compiler kicks up an error when a subclass overrides an extension method. The error text looks hopeful, though (emphasis added):
Declarations from extensions cannot be overridden **yet**
It’s that dangling “yet” that encourages me to believe that Apple’s engineers are aware of the design patterns like the protected extension pattern and will update Swift to support them.3 Personally, I’d like to see three more keywords: required
, protected
, and testable
Required would indicate to the compiler that a subclass is obligated to override a given method without calling super.
Protected would be an access control keyword limiting visibility of a given entity to the source files of any class that inherits from the defining entity.
Testable would be similar to private, except it would also be visible to unit testing frameworks.
Usage of these would look like this:
public class Vehicle { required func transmissionType() -> Transmission { // subclasses must override without calling super } protected func didBeginDriving() { // Any subclass source file can see this } testable func moveForwardThirtyFeet() { // do something inherently testable that // should not be made public. } }
Back to UIGestureRecognizer
A funny side-effect of Swift’s current access control options (or so I imagine) is that the UIGestureRecognizerSubclass.h
extension header is not included in the UIKit Swift framework. In order to compile code that uses those methods, you have to #import
that header file inside an Objective-C Bridging Header for your Xcode project.4
Cough-cough—Vesper 1.0’s application background—cough-cough. ↩
Or some other responsible controller class privately used by UIKit. ↩
Another casualty of the current access control options is that private methods aren’t unit testable. This is a big problem in my opinion. Testable methods are often unsafe to expose publicly. ↩
Thanks to Ash Furrow for the clarification on this. ↩
Five Hard Lessons Learned from Unread
My article on the financials behind Unread’s first year prompted a lot of helpful conversation on the Internet last week. It will take me a long time to digest it all, but here are the TL;DR highlights:
Find Your Niche and Own It – Building a sustainable software business means spotting a niche before your competitors have noticed it, then doing everything you can to “own” it. Your app and your company need to become a household name for people who care about that niche. Aim to be the 1Password of _______.
Pick a Sustainable Niche – Owning a niche won’t do you much good if your software doesn’t solve a valuable problem for people. When I was a nurse, I spent $150 a year on subscriptions to reputable medication guide iPhone apps for nurses. Having access to everything I needed in a trustworthy format was critical. Spending that much money was a hardship, but it was worth it for how much safer and faster it helped me to be.
More Than Great Design – Niche customers are picky about features. They’re interested in rich data sets, esoteric integrations, and advanced options. For example, as a nurse I could never have used Epocrates, the well-known drug guide app for physicians, because it didn’t have information on intravenous infusions. Nurses need to know which drugs can be administered together in the same IV tubing, at what rates, and in which fluids. Only certain (expensive) nursing-specific guides had this information.
Expect a Long Road – Becoming a household name isn’t easy. Expecting overnight sustainability – nevermind overnight success – is wishful thinking. If you want to build a business by yourself, you’ll need an indefinite source of outside income. That means you have to work your ass off every night and weekend, or else secure venture funding.
The Gold Rush is Over. – 2008 to 2010 is dead and gone. If your plan is to make a tidy living building the next beautiful _______ for iOS nerds, then you are destined to repeat my mistakes. Don’t follow in my footsteps. Focus on a difficult problem that matters to a significant number of normal people. Don’t worry about being the prettiest or the most featured. Get your hands dirty and find out what the rest of the world is struggling with.