Just because he's not a drunk Don Ho docent doesnt meant he don't sell watches !!!
Dagmar Chili is written From a Quonset Hut !!!
knock a garage
02:16 p.m.
dolce rinpoche
ocho niente--
sat and spilled
my cotton spent
into a bucket
covered with salt--
10:13 p.m.
This is a very special session of dagmar_chili, entitled
Q: What does a Hamburger Maid taste like?
A: The Hamburger Helper's butt.
02:13 p.m.
Because the captain of the home team is burnishing his fob watch, every spectator will go home impressed.
08:24 p.m.
"It's only eight and I've intoned, "Guacamole", add:It's only eight and I've stole the oniuns. This serve as domecint of mynheer Alquoohornhat Loonkwist, of the Laocond Treaty-Signing Committee, that mynheer Alquoohornhat Loonkwist is guilty and stands to stand trial."
"And MynHeer Alquoohorn (as he's called in the nether-regions) has gotten a cane to spear you too!"
"Objection, Yer Honer! It's not a turbo mission by Salk Like Swabbies, it's a whole nation of millions, trying to hold us back!"
Judge Toornkwist beat his gavel. Thrice! On To Tre! Krak krak krak!
"Objection sustained. High Councelor proceed with the preceding."
"As I was saynig, oops, did I say that out loud or was I just thinking it?"
The soft strains of the opening of Sergei Prokofiev's Eighth Piano Sonata in B flat major flowed through the air with the greatest of ease, then it got to that loud part, as the High Councelor said, "Hartenagle! Pen-Ply! What do these words imply to you, Judge Toornkwist? How 'bout a 'higher-up payoff'? Eh? Ladies and Yetlement of der Yuri, what does this High Court proceeding impose?"
All members of der Yuri said, "Aye!"
With a rattalink Eye-Ball and a Turnip that stink,/they through the High Commisar jumped to the sink! "Dear bawdy!" cried MynHeer Alquoohorn Loonkwist, and leapt tall buildings in a single bound.
"quench like mustard": what?