

of them to go?

<< ? quisguillous # >> & g t ;

P. S. : LUTHER PERKINS tribute
you can't miss it

another lovely google referral-- picture of corn poopie -- also, the third incidence of "who whants to be a millionaire"

Hopefully, he will completely botch the swearing-in and be dq'd.

For the children, oily splotches-- demilles pizza thirty point buck too many times to mention, witches are proud of European squirrels, which have taken over sausagemaking Scottish households, "Henry the Fifth would have breaken my arm,"

Urchins passing out peppermint Ludwigs & cat meat under industrial canopies, listen that caustic lint & capillary concertos, the u.s.a. scrambled, penetrated, wholly chicken. It's all okay though, the carmelized drip only two and I'm unsettled shocked. The last Gulf Stream choruses, those. It ended with Shatner. The cord is a big liability, getting stuck in the refrigerator. Serves as clap-stuff.

It speaks like a tousled milkebeest, nod nod, even Palyatchee. Hey! Last night, man it was grand! Everyone laughing at the latest witless parody of Howl.

Five CDs of early Django Reinhardt, freshly remastered, for $25.

bango! [sic.]

Oh. He's dead.


Believe me, I thought of it already, gave up on my strategy. It's a big paradigm shift ()as milligenarian TOMMY KUHN would no doubt say, though he's probalby fucking tired of it by now(): Try this!-- put your plastic CD case UPSIDE DOWN! Wowie! those Case Logic folx try to wipe out YOUR TEENAGE INDEPENDENCE by putting their logo on a certain way, but let me tell you, again: YOU CAN set that cockmaster on its BACKSIDE and pull the CDs out quote upside down unquote just as well!

PS, you shouldn't (or "thou shalt not" as it is very blattoscopically limpoidal to resuscitate) "link" to amazon.com whilst they have

People who "SEXESSFULLY if you GET MY DRIFT" used the joak advice belwo , snell your HIGH_LARIOUS ()IF YU GET my drift! ANTICDOTES (notes: to remember anticdotes more frequently, watch the epidose of Twin Peaks )hey I mentioned it TWICD in which Dave Lynch appears as the Guy from the POlice or FBI people, one of the great moments ever on the entiry earth, better than when that guy fell off the Sphinx, he says "let me tell you an amusing anticdote" & it is so fucking rad, let me fucking tell you) to "thank you for giving me that cheese, Edgar, at left." at left.

today, DID YOU NQO THAT FIFTY YARS AGO TODAY THE SHORTER oed if it e isteer ,did not contain thde word " debondQ" i mean "bogn" thayt ios to say" " bong"

topday we are tryign a dew techni2ue_ whcih ios calle outting your fingers about four ro five inches anovbr the keyboard & ytyping as ewas t as possiblr!

... the Bowery slums
Where people carried signs around
Saying, "Ban the bums"

hilight: a reviewer spells "dwindling" as "dwingling"

referral of the day-- thingisthis is thesecondtime

Hello. I thought of a good anticdote (not really, but it will suffice since I'm too lazy to think of the proper word) to tell at parties. Here goes! (":dagmar_chili seems really ... idiot recently." well that's more than I can say for you, who doesn't even can't use italics tags!)

Now: say, "I've really got a bad case of ring-around-the-collar, if by collar you mean the space on the inside of the toilet bowl a few inches below the rim!"


They'|| be a|| over you!


--this is THE MENU for pita changing! I copied i!t, don't tell Andrew! You should copy it now, beczuse it's SECRET, & ILLICIT TEXT OF A HIGHLY NON_SEXUAL NATURE and you may not ever see it again! Now, if I'd use a 1 instead of one exclamation point, wouldn't that be Wacky? I think It Would. I really have to praise whoever writes bovine inversus, because they hit it RIGHT ON THE COCKSUCKING BUTTON! Apparel showing the phrase "COCKSUCKING BUTTON!" -- you could make it and sell it! Did you know that i agree with every single opinion you have??? And that I'm petitioning congress in regards to them? That's why you should send me ca$h. :

Hello there dagmar_chili! news: join the Pitas Notify List and get email when there is news: email: Powered by NotifyList.com As always, if you have any problems at all, email us at help@pitas.com, and remember to give us as many details as possible (ie. your username, error, etc). There are a bunch of things you can do here: Add an entry to your page. Edit / Delete an entry if you've made a mistake. Choose a new template to determine how your page looks. This will reset your site's template to one of our built-in templates and will destroy any custom changes you've already made to your page's looks. Change the format for each individual entry. This just changes how each thing you enter into your page is formatted. Archive your current index page. This is for when your main index page gets too long and you want to clear it and store all the entries on another page. Make custom changes to the overall look of your page. This lets you edit the actual HTML of your page in order to change almost anything about the looks, what writing shows up other than the entries, etc. Don't worry if you don't know HTML, it's easy to tell what needs changing! Change your description in the user's directory. Change your password. You should do this now and then! Log out if you want to re-login as another user, or in case you're using a shared computer and worried about who is going to use it next.

You know what a pity, a pity the MORE than six million people who donto, Arthur J Danto, have you heard about him? Did yuuuuuu know IRVING HOWE died? The six million people who do not roughread tagmar_chilly ly. Roughly. They are a pityable bunch, and I recommend you to use "Pitiable bunch" in your day-to-day veritable transcendence. Excuse, us, "tind friends" (as that TERRIBLE POEM READETH) but we meant to bespeak a relatively barren mouthful of plaque and ambience, namely: "verbal transactions." We regret locally any universal transcendental manoeuvres cretinated by You.

Peoples, peoples rendering the dagmar_chili June 1997 seweepsteeeeeakes, must pREFrom An EEEXcutive Manoeuvre. MMMMMM AAAA N OE UVRE, LEAn the MONEURVER!!!!!! It's spelled that way. Excess is the peener of success, after a peener spell of lucidity,

oh that WHAT A rowf rid was a bornine iprsonatores.

Jay Robbins, yes how sweet, how sweet,! Luther Perkins Luther ??? Luther who

I'm not giving you gems, you shit. I wish it was a faster repeater revolver

And, poh get usedat that OEEEEP, cause it's a tradition in my fambly.3444444444

hello how is that through run a place

PARACHI FITCH!!!1onteha rightside

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GReen soviet check