uurking classy menber of the cheese candy racket you
can gUlgblitziens well what do if
your think if, crunching a ticket, you were to STEEP IT IN HOTSAUXE!! - Wouldnt you?

This is as much of a doc tom porkhole, there'll go here
Go Now, & Greet:
& Stactling

knock a garage ,AGAIN!!!1 -nied,

P Guston: Painting, Smoking, Eating

& for recoard ao I THink that Gerhardt Mannlich Hopkins pretty consistently overdoes it, wouldn't you? I'd put three drakes on it, buzzard conditional, a bottle is a dolphin

Now we present, Adventures in Worldwidewebsmanship, presenting google return #41 of each of the following:

startling sponsor falling
share a pox on farthing
shotgun link spreading strategy [404 - google cache]
hanging british mice
salute maxwell house [salute folgers #41 was a pdf]

I'm sorry, dapper dinglehead, but this Beggar's Butte is the only polehold I can find in reality. It's a ol only
It's only old if you think about it for a minute, you furtive fartknocker you! Yeah, let's see that Mike Chagnon wipe that Beaver and Bunghole lingo up the steep incline. Yeah, for starters! ... Hold our horses, y oI"m looking up somehting.
Why amI , always coming up the road saingin,g "Grab a delkus grab a delkus rabbit and me, going to chase cotton face into a tree" & forgetting the second chorus? Because elves whittle away at you while you concentrate. They evade your brain, its many tentycales.
Lordy, lorday I"M give you a BA;AST FROM THE PAST, viz and be wise:

Tuesday, April 18, 2000
it's time pwope usedn the peitas fowkejrh ahs w hauwh 1103 wiqu fe w appppoiqw jp1oj fjnv akdjf hbk az,.xcm q wpoekb a apo HIHP qhwph HOGa pph wwpio1073 b0--)&% 11111111s fy HPHP asgw ge Sga gq fh h hhoa eh q qeh t hppp POh ht hejhasdkx,cv,vk la ww1 32i4y08ynnnnnnnn skapow pow ke eht eeet the aoishe wowkwoosk o shw kshpw oknmz ;laksjdf 1077gbh te apth bt ttttt ehw agsbwpje bhte wgaptj ffffffff; jhg he6 cha tto wh bawa tn wfrom by by form t tot ott wjher ggoi fubt fubt wast the wotjht e toght ehaisjht sijw ethspzzzpON htokne Thw woskPj wh toWke ^ Wisnt kwpajnwt.e thpON tin ww wW iht Toha seb
wait let me run that by you again,
Tuesday, April 18, 2000
it's time pwope usedn the peitas fowkejrh ahs w hauwh 1103 wiqu fe w appppoiqw jp1oj fjnv akdjf hbk az,.xcm q wpoekb a apo HIHP qhwph HOGa pph wwpio1073 b0--)&% 11111111s fy HPHP asgw ge Sga gq fh h hhoa eh q qeh t hppp POh ht hejhasdkx,cv,vk la ww1 32i4y08ynnnnnnnn skapow pow ke eht eeet the aoishe wowkwoosk o shw kshpw oknmz ;laksjdf 1077gbh te apth bt ttttt ehw agsbwpje bhte wgaptj ffffffff; jhg he6 cha tto wh bawa tn wfrom by by form t tot ott wjher ggoi fubt fubt wast the wotjht e toght ehaisjht sijw ethspzzzpON htokne Thw woskPj wh toWke ^ Wisnt kwpajnwt.e thpON tin ww wW iht Toha seb

Amazing pre-WWI color photos from Russia.

Hooray! I had a dream about nuclear war! Nuclear war safety tip: If atomic bombs are about to be dropped in your area, hide in the basement of a nearby abandoned industrial building with a local guerrilla leader and your cat, especially if the ceiling is coated in sky blue plastic. Also, it's best not to participate in an illicit die-casting project in your friend's garage, especially if you're dumping environmentally unfriendly waste metal into the ground beneath its foundations, because then you'll have those enviro-cops on your ass as well.

You may ask yourself, "I wonder if Wilberforce [ever] had a bike this nice?"

You stupid fucker.

[I erred, my friends, I erred greatly in the execution there. As Schopenhauer once said, "God is in the details, don't let the devil twiddle widd'em, bub."]

in FACT, j t I'm adding stickers an a monstrous pace. A modern pace, and a verb. Wry weevil, wry weevil, won't you lend me some soup? on the hour.

+"It's Everone's ehero, teh Capt Kirk of Kongress, Mr the estimatable genetelman from Ohio, Mr Congress aman James Traficant & His one minut librettos of styleto like wit.
I say, Grasvernor, ah you going to sink off that snake's ass? Ah ryouw goinga STEENK?up the place. In fact, I wondered whether or not to dive "the " and "Place]"

It's the shunt, to get your animalcules most circuly.

When I was new, at this shipping game, I am Mr Peeger Bedevildt, and had faith that, were I to write "BOG BOG BOG, BOG BOG BOG, BOT", too grave to be slanted, the reader would not shun to honk, as loudly as possible, the same, of course not, it were toooo loud, for geese, to shun it.

Oh, sunk. Sdumb as a wrecking ball. uh . uh . UH. UHHH ..
SOMETH, you wanto get a bowel (I arsed it whethre its monther was from, note one of the results an articled titled "Bowel cancer's deadly silence" -- NOT TO IN ANY FORM, FIELD, OR MANNER MAKE LIGHT OF, OR IMPLY THAT IT IS A O K TO MAKE LIGHT OF, BOWEL CANCER!!!) on that, that thing? Hey buddy! It's could to turn i that down: it's a lever. ANd goes thro one than more layer, it's a god, okay I'll showyou somehting,
Been beeber beeber beeber,
enough -- in a walk
in beeber beeber beeber
Neither in -- in beeber
Whatever you say, someth,
dangmap chili dc the geongrapple ap never failes

I will allow Mone one more comet, regarding shooting out the botton of the spine:

You've got tufts of hair around your anus, & because of this, there's boogie everywhere you go.
Now, more civilizedly, I'll comment on birds, & then depart:
They have oily trump bones in their necks, through which they can sing. Have kicked an Have ostrich in the shin. I'd been writing about birds for some thirty odd years, and one day they all dried up and were borne off & away on a southern wind.

Those of you who came for the "socket simple" remark will have to clickin eio obove.


knock a garage
knock agodamneit garage kno
ck a garage proper]