PAGE HAVE FNg CLANKED OVERWell, it does not, so shove it! Shove thiss [LID RINGING ex

dispatches to the enquirer. you
and gUlgblitziens you?

This is as much of a doc tom porkhole, there'll go here
Go Now, & Greet:
Staroling Stactling

knock a garage ,AGAIN!!!1 -nied,

PRveionasEntries Here, Pages Here, Pages and Pages of Chili

"Gene Ray is the greatest thinker and the wisest human."

Sounds right to me --
He's got a pee aitch dee

Pointless as one enjoys the bowl-packing before a Sunday brunch, funny little things like violence done on the damned by the Bibles of the mad, and to be argued with later over its pointlessness, this is how knoll lightning, once done, always was and always is done. For offering, bring a piece of cheese, dake, sunny colored, and coffee as dark as the sap that flowed from grandpa's gum-nozzles. First spoke Barney: "How did you know I'd been kicked out of the concert hall?" ... said Hedward: "I am incognate," ... said Barney: "Now all you guys are going do have to go downstairs, so we can get some cool music up here!" ... said Hedward: "Up to high heaven. This is indistinguishable from turbulence." Another table, winding down. I've heard that this next number sounds like a festival overture or another.

Well ever once in a while you find some kid coming in here, crying, "Why, I feel more optimistic than ever! I feel like my life's just one big swath of trees waitin for lightnin to come on down and BLOW ME HIGH JEHOVAH!!!!" Well, don't let it get to you; it's an admirable approach to life.

Make rebate, I SSSSSSSCan make i t, e to the three minute mark. [it would be obviously to start at the q, ] q h b n r t v y c p m e. Queheb? North, very, company? Compare me? Q E V, Q V B

I FInd I stilla bote make horizon tipis, second and third fingers, then thoughtfully throw letters into them

somewhere believe that I saw you moving through legs having treats or looking for them. Againa, thats about (to) the cat

I kept my nose. (It's the site of certain tonal passages.) central stat confirm time, numerically difficult, and Pona Luisa, opposent to crime, she went and a forty CANNIBALS were freed of overwhelmingly weighty late fees, charges endicriably by law! BY LAW WERE THEY FREED, BY SERVICE. Pona Luisa Law. (I'm obviously working on a cut) that doesn't arrive with sugars. Help analyze sugars in term of the pooh-pooing of Action or Affect. Light sulfur file. Across the alley, feather games of cultic significance.

I'd have cut my nose out of the hinge, omitted the doorknob, if I'd known it was going to wind up like this, for it is emblazoned, that I am wanting an eighth. And now I'd like to expose you to my daily Schubert: cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, duttah-duttah-duttah-dup, dup-dup, buh, buh! cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, duttah-duttah-duttah-dup, dup-dup, buh, buh! Bum, bum-bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum-bum! And it all goes to hell after here. Nobody knows why, except the editors of several anthologies on this shit. I'm not so sure they've noticed, though. I'd expect them to have had to stop playing it if they had. Let's say these fellows should have their heads on straight. Ah, hell, I should keep my nose out of it. But it always winds up in it, somehow, showering, or manipulating a doorknob.

Damngnattib, I'm so sure of that, that I Winded up spelling my password "Hotmail" WAY 2 EARLY IN THA MORNIN MY FELLOW
because, I was being scram on a race horse. But, you don't want to hear an OUNCE of it!

Kakon jambo kakon jambo, erueeka, jambon for you. kdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdkdk

Tex Churchill, was Winston's brother; always kept a boil of beef broth soup. He kept an aisle, so, filled in immigrants, it was okay to keep over. Mother said to him, Keep church on bill, you'll need it later, for keep walls up. But Text, but he kept all the bonds ad geat vem go to carnival. Made mondgrins of his own lyrics.


Dagmar Chili Presents
& Likes To Present:

Dagmar Chili Presents How You Do It
Episode Three / How They Do It In 2001

Dagmar Chili Presents How You
Get Elephant Fuck On You

Dude a why of do a that? Gargle, gargle, gargle. Left seven, about eight seven, I donot a get it. What If I wrote the maybe my slice was ript off? Then, Every several ones, would get elephant fuck on me. Nobody, not you or the arabians, they like it. No


Dagmar Chili Presents
& Likes To Present:

Dagmar Chili Presents How You Do It
Episode Two / How They Do It In 2001

Dagmar Chili Presents How You
Make Dagmar_Chili Dot Com Omlet

How you do it: rub a ten-inch pan with your sunday grease of choice; heat at medium-high or precise scientifical equivalent; when heated nicely, break three eggs into pan; scramble them together with a fork, leave them flat in the pan; when possible, flip the circular eggmass with a spatula (this is the tricky part - figuring out when it's possible); when flipped, put the cheese on one half the omlet, & after it begins to melt, add HERDEZ(r) salsa verde to the same half; a little while later, flip the open half onto the covered, let cook a little longer, [at this point I recommend also that you add a dash of beer for moisture, seriously foax, but alas and alack I am unable to do the same myself at this time --Ed.] then spatule it onto plate! WHALLAH! DAGMAR_CHILI OMLET!!! PS: Please practise responsible lending!!!


Dagmar Chili Presents
& Likes To Present:

Dagmar Chili Presents How You Do It
Episode One / How They Do It In 2001

Dagmar Chili Presents How You
Rob The Neighborhood Liquorstore

How to do it: Boil for fifteen minutes. Duck into neighborhood boozier, preferably a State-Radio sponsored one, trousers, put them on your head, & carry a gun. Consternate the people, fuckin corrupt them. Now you have carriage. Steal liquorstore items, match misfit gems with crappier haircut men & women, pass out free booze to native lip merchants, garner celebrity & so forth. IF YOU GET OIL ON YOU: rub it out with a hotknife.

Two: : "shrunk cocker regretful of his testicles"

2981 - f
skunk talker respectful of his vesicles

Turk wanto surf on sunday? Ins----- because i thinks everyone will want to think they see it: in a suture . to empty a packet every day unt . il swallow a mouth . in a fest and a packet a silt a . jest and a vaccine | ----Turk doesn't swallow a mouth, through his jammies. negative campaign was sudcessful, fourteen hours total, on a roll


Rip, it does torn dangle.

Printing circular cooked up by swimming head types meets channel surfers painting hell-knows-what, sensitive prey, young drinkers still stupid enough to recover. This is a LEMUR because I SWALLOWED ALL MY TICKETS, right? I knew them better, I had memorized their numbers, tie a noose. I don't appreciate having circulars. Everything replies to each hell-itself! emphatic

I hope my neighbors didn't hear me burning those trees in here last night. Swipe some debris off the balcony, hoard tires, barricade

It's five eight nine, and the hour's eleven.

I drink, & the dog goes, "wharf wharf" and I am no better than wharf smith. This is a log

going to Dammidge going to Dammidge going to Dammidge

Dammidge is not so far away
did I not say did I not say did I not say did I not say

Black-eyed moles, and dreary. Tired of your post.

Gus: you got any salt or anything?

Dammidge, dammidge
gomer dusim dammidge
acidently opened the bookmosrk dtwice
three times dammidge, gomer do some


Found one fooling with the merchandise

bums deter them.
Using corrosive letter writing skills, handy down from generations, one wrote "Dear Be Continued, I am not fooling with hmerhcincdaiz. He took to" He took another pull off the throttle, and scabbed. He went on, "noncompliance with generalfeldmarschall." To be continued ...

that pveio o to the last two back, we call this, in germany, "Zweiback"


knock a garage
knock agodamneit garage kno
ck a garage proper]