For iPhone

Version 1.2 (91)

Monday, April 20th, 2014

[NEW] Added NewsBlur.

[NEW] Added Fever.[1]

[NEW] Added a native image viewer to the article view and the web browser. In an article view, tap an image to view it in the image viewer. In the web browser, long-press on an image to view it in the image viewer. It has Tweetbot-style flick-to-dismiss, too (thanks to Tapbots for their blessing). It’s arguably the best solution to a common problem, and the inconsistencies between the glut of other solutions have been driving me nuts. Better to learn from the best.

[NEW] Options menus just for images. Long press on an image to see a list of options, including an option to view the alt text of an image.[2]

[NEW] Optional app icon badge for the current unread count.[3]

[NEW] Landscape support to the web browser.

[NEW] Tug the current article up or down to go the next or previous article in the current list.

[NEW] Tug up from the bottom of a list of articles to mark them all as read (after a confirmation which is enabled by default).

[NEW] Option to mark articles as read by scrolling past them in an articles list.[5]

[NEW] Unlocked the Glass and Campfire themes for all users.

[NEW] “Extra Small” font size.

[NEW] Separate font size preference for article list screens.

[NEW] Release Notes history screen.

[NEW] Improved Facebook sharing: now uses link-based posts when available.

[NEW] Added the 1Password button to web-based sign in screens.

[NEW] Article lists attempt to maintain their perceived scroll position when a refresh triggers a reload (only supported on certain newer devices).

[NEW] The web view toolbar now changes to a light or dark color scheme to match the current theme.

[CHANGE] Broke up the settings screen into more focused sections.

[CHANGE] Cosmetic changes, especially to the Day, Night, and Glass themes.

[CHANGE] Found a better way of preserving web browser history that preserves the full back/forward history, even across relaunches. It also looks better when tapping an article link after having viewed something else in the browser.

[CHANGE] Made options menus easier to trigger.

[CHANGE] Made it easier to dismiss the current screen off the top of the stack.

[CHANGE] The “Articles” section is now always visible, even when “Hide Read Items” is enabled.

[CHANGE] Improved the CSS for article views, especially for CODE, PRE, FIGURE, and AUDIO html elements.

[FIX] Fixed several possible causes of crashes related to inline thumbnails.

[FIX] Fixed a crash that can occur when sanitizing the HTML for articles that contain extremely long embedded data UIRs.[8]

[FIX] Named anchor links in the article view now jump to the named anchor, where possible.

[FIX] Fixed a bug with mailto: links.

[FIX] Fixed a bug with the new Feedly sign in web flow.

[FIX] Fixed a bug with Pinboard titles not displaying correctly when saving under certain conditions.

[FIX] Fixed a crasher when signing in.

[FIX] The “Last Background Fetch” message in Settings.app should not have been user-editable.

[FIX] Numerous minor bug fixes and UI improvements.[13]

[1] Shows all your “Kindling” feeds and saved items. No Hotlinks for now, just the core feed reading experience. Not all of Fever’s article lists support “Mark All Read”, e.g. a list of starred articles.

[2] Howdy, XKCD fans!


[4] This feature doesn’t exist.

[5] Fever cannot support this feature.

[6] Removed this feature because it was never made.

[7] I want a t-shirt that reads, “I only commit to master.”

[8] OMG web standards.

[13] People always write this kaizen-ish line, but it’s true. I swear there’s like a 100,000 git commits strung like beads between version 1.1 and version 1.2. Maybe I should just rebase it all down to the latest commit and make it look like I shipped all this on the first day.[7]